The Young Count, The Monravians, and the Englishmen

Image result for Count Ludwig von Zinzendorf

In furtherance of our discussions from the past issue on the young Count Zinzendorf, we hope to review a few background from the passion of the Monravians, their impactful lives and how they ignited same passion in two english men who went on to set the world ablaze with remarkable impacts that the world will not forget. However, rather than continuing the trends of such impacts, it seems we have simply become factional, built monuments rather than make movements around such great exploits. Like I once asked, "What Went Wrong?"

The Moravian Brotherhood was a result of the missions mobilization and passion of Zinzendorf. They had a seal that represented and reminded them of their devotion to the Lord. It contained a lamb on a crimson ground, with the cross and a banner representing the triumph of the resurrection with the motto; "Our Lamb has conquered, let us follow Him."
The Moravian Brethren were responsible for some of the most inspiring and sacrificial stories of missions history. Lead by Count Zinzendorf, one of every sixty Moravians went as cross-cultural missionaries, planting mission stations in the Virgin Islands, Greenland, North America, South America, South Africa, and Labrador. Count Nicolaus Ludwig von Zinzendorf was born in 1700 into wealth and a noble family. Raised by grandmother and Aunt, in an atmosphere of evangelical Pietism, and during his study at Halle as a young man, Nicolaus developed a dedication to Jesus Christ and a passion for spreading the gospel. Zinzendorf attended Wittenberg University with the aim of earning a law degree and following in his family's expectations of him as a nobleman. There was a constant dissonance in his heart between the pressure of his family and the responsibility that he felt toward serving the Lord in ministry, and giving his life to the one who gave His life for all. Even though his future as a nobleman and in state service would be full of success and approval, he found no joy in the idea of spending his life as a follower of Jesus in comfort and ease. Then in 1719 Zinzendorf was powerfully impacted by a painting of Christ enduring the crown of thorns. An inscription below the painting read, "All this I did for you, what are you doing for me?" This was a decisive moment in his life, moving him to finally choose against the life as a nobleman and enter Christian ministry.
Several years later, in 1727,during a communion service, the Holy Spirit moved powerfully on all that were there and Zinzendorf lead the others in beginning a prayer meeting. Beginning with a deep conviction for the evangelization of the world, the prayer meeting continued and deepened in passion for the lost both near and far. This prayer movement that began that night of Aug 13th continued through the Moravians around the clock, without interruption, for more than one hundred years. This was undeniably the force behind the great Moravian missions movements that would follow during the 18th century.

John and Charles Wesley

In 1736 John and Charles Wesley sailed to America as Anglican missionaries. A company of Moravian immigrants were also on the vessel. During a terrible storm they all faced the danger of shipwreck. John Wesley wrote in his journal: At seven I went to the Germans. I had long before observed the great seriousness of their behaviour. Of their humility they had given a continual proof by performing those servile offices for the other passengers which none of the English would undertake; for which they desired and would receive no pay, saying, 'It was good for their proud hearts,' and 'their loving Saviour had done more for them.' And every day had given them occasion of showing a meekness, which no injury could move. If they were pushed, struck or thrown down, they rose again and went away; but no complaint was found in their mouth. Here was now an opportunity of trying whether they were delivered from the spirit of fear, as well as from that of pride, anger and revenge. In the midst of the Psalm wherewith their service began, the sea broke over, split the mainsail in pieces, covered the ship and poured in between the decks, as if the great deep had already swallowed us up .A terrible screaming began among the English. The Germans calmly sung on. I asked one of them afterwards: 'Were you not afraid?' He answered, 'I thank God, no.' I asked: 'But were not your women and children afraid?' He replied mildly: 'No, our women and children are not afraid to die'.
In Georgia, John Wesley sought spiritual counsel from the Moravian Bishop, A. G. Spangenberg. Back in England in 1738 the Wesley brothers became intimately acquainted with the Moravians, especially Peter Boehler who later became a leading Moravian bishop. On 4 March, 1738, Wesley wrote in his diary: I found my brother at Oxford recovering from his pleurisy; and with him Peter Boehler: by whom (in the hand of the great God) I was, on Sunday, the 5th, clearly convicted of unbelief; of the want of that faith whereby alone we are saved. Immediately it struck into my mind, 'Leave off preaching. How can you preach to others who have not faith yourself?' I asked Boehler whether he thought I should leave it off, or not. He answered, 'By no means.' I asked: 'But what can I preach? He said: 'Preach faith till you have faith.' Accordingly, Monday, 6, I began preaching this new doctrine, though my soul started back from the work. The first person to whom I offered salvation by faith alone, was a prisoner under sentence of death..
Eventually John Wesley came to assurance of salvation. His own testimony reads:
Wednesday, May 3, 1738. My brother had a long and particular conversation with Peter Boehler. And it now pleased God to open his eyes; so that he also saw clearly, what was the nature of that one true living faith, whereby alone 'through grace' we are saved. Wednesday, May 24. In the evening I went very unwillingly to a society in Aldersgate Street, where one was reading Luther's preface to the Epistle to the Romans. About a quarter before nine, while he was describing the change which God works in the heart through faith in Christ, I felt my heart strangely warmed. I felt I did trust in Christ, Christ alone, for salvation; and an assurance was given me, that He had taken away my sins, even mine, and saved me from the law of sin and death. Friday, May 26. My soul continued in peace, but yet in heaviness, because of manifold temptations. I asked Mr.Telchig, the Moravian, what to do. He said: 'You must not fight with them as you did before, but flee from them the moment they appear, and take shelter in the wounds ofJesus”.
The Methodists and Moravians often met together then for Bible study and prayer. George Whitefield's biographer wrote: Whitefield began the New Year (1739) as gloriously as he ended that which had just expired. He received Sacrament, preached twice, expounded twice, attended a Moravian love feast in Fetter Lane, where he spent the whole night in prayer to God, psalms and thanksgivings; and then pronounced 'this to be the happiest New Year's Day he had ever seen .'This love feast at Fetter Lane was a memorable one. Besides about sixty Moravians, there were present not fewer than seven of the Oxford Methodists, namely John and Charles Wesley, George Whitefield, Wesley Hall, Benjamin Ingham, Charles Kinchin and Richards Hitchins, all of them ordained clergymen of the Church of England. Wesley writes: 'About three in the morning, as we were continuing instant in prayer, the power of God came mightily upon us, insomuch that many cried for exceeding joy, and many fell to the ground. As soon as we were recovered a little from that awe and amazement at the presence of His Majesty, we broke out with one voice 'We praise Thee, O God; we acknowledge Thee to be the Lord!' (1927)
What the Moravians imparted to John Wesley is summarised by one of his biographers, W. H. Fitchett: In substance it was three things which lie in the very alphabet of Christianity, but which somehow the teachings of a godly home, of a great University, and of an ancient Church, and of famous books, had not taught Wesley. These are:
  • that salvation is through Christ's Atonement alone, and not through our own works;
  • that its sole condition is faith; and
  • that it is attested to the spiritual consciousness by the Holy Spirit.
These truths today are platitudes; to Wesley they were, at this stage of his life, discoveries. Wesley's estimate of the Moravian revival which resulted in his own conversion was prophetic. When Peter Boehler, nine years his junior, left England for America after several months, Wesley recorded in his journal: Peter Boehler left London to embark for Carolina. Oh what a work hath God begun since his coming into England! Such an one as shall never come to an end, till Heaven and earth pass away!  Peter Boehler wrote to Count Zinzendorf, saying: 'The English people made a wonderful to do about me; and though I could not speak much English they were always wanting me to tell them about the Saviour, His blood and wounds, and the forgiveness of sins'.
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Impacting all sections of Society
Zinzendorf's speaking, preaching and letters were full of Christ. Everywhere the Moravians went they spoke of their Lord, sang of him, and witnessed naturally. The Holy Spirit had filled them, as in the early church, with great love for their Lord. Their Bishop Spangenberg, for example, told how Johannes, an Indian chief who had been a very wicked man, was converted. The chief said that once a preacher came to their tribe and proved to them that there was a God. They informed him that they were not ignorant of that and told him to go away. Another preacher came and told them not to steal, drink too much, or lie. They regarded him as a fool because they already knew that, and they sent him off to preach to his own people who were worse than the Indians in those vices. Then Christian Henry Rauch, one of the Moravian Brethren, came to his hut, sat with him and told him about Jesus. Then fatigued from his journey, Christian Henry lay down and slept, unafraid of the chief. Johannes could not get the Moravian's words out of his mind. He dreamt of the cross. He told his tribe about Jesus and they repented as the Holy Spirit moved their hearts. Johannes said to the bishop, 'Thus, through the grace of God, the awakening among us took place. I tell you therefore, brethren, preach to the heathen Christ and His blood and death, if you would wish to produce a blessing among them.'
In Europe, a Countess with close friends among kings, emperors and princes, famous for her brilliant gifts and witty conversation, found that none of her amusements and recreations satisfied her any longer. A humble Moravian shoemaker came into her presence and she was struck with his remarkable cheerfulness. She asked him why he was so happy and he replied that 'Jesus has forgiven my sins. He forgives me every day and He loves me and that makes me happy through all the hours.' The Countess thought about that and began to pray. Conviction led her into the same joyful faith and she became a great witness for Christ among titled people, especially in the court of the Emperor of Russia, Alexander I, her close friend.
A new song
Then, as now, the baptism in the Holy Spirit upon the Moravians and then the Methodists, produced a flood sacred song. Many of the best hymns may be traced to this outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Moravian hymns were filled with praise to Christ, adoration of him as God, and proclamation of His virtues and work. Moravian hymns were generally prayers to Christ. It was a Moravian characteristic that their prayers were generally addressed to their Saviour. Honouring the Son they honoured the Father who had sent him as well as the Holy Spirit who glorified Christ. A truly converted Catholic or Protestant, Calvanist or Lutheran, Moravian or Arminian, Baptist or Quaker, when baptised in the Holy Spirit and with fire often breaks out into sacred song that is prayer or praise addressed to Jesus. This was so in Herrnhut. The chief singer then was the godly young nobleman Count Zinzendorf. He became the prince of German hymn writers. England saw similar developments. 
One of the many spiritual children of Peter Boehler was John Gambold, a young clergyman of the Church of England, an Oxford graduate and a friend of the Wesleys. He joined the Moravian Church and became its first English Bishop. Some of his hymns and sacred songs became well known. Another of Peter Boehler's English converts was James Hutton, a famous book seller. He also wrote some precious hymns. The best known English Moravian hymn writer during the Great Revival was John Cennick. At one of Cennick's famous open-air meetings a young Scottish labourer, John Montgomery, was converted. He joined the Moravian Church and John and Mary Montgomery become Moravian missionaries in the West Indies where they died and were buried. Their son James was educated in the Moravian school at Fulneck. James Montgomery ranks with great hymn writers of that era. Charles Wesley had more than 6,000 hymns published after his conversion in 1738 through the witness and prayers of Peter Boehler. The majority of his hymns testify to his great experience of salvation. Peter Boehler had told him: 'If I had a thousand tongues I would praise Jesus with every one of them.' This prompted Wesley shortly after his conversion to write the immortal lines:
Oh for a thousand tongues to sing My dear Redeemer's praise The glories of my God and King The triumphs of His grace. He breaks the power of cancelled sin, He sets the prisoner free; His blood can make the foulest clean, His blood availed for me.
Fruit that abides
A traveller of that period wrote this striking testimony, 'In all my journeys I have found only three objects that exceeded my expectations, viz.: the ocean, Count Zinzendorf, and the Herrnhut congregation' . Herrnhut had become a spiritual centre visited by people from all parts of Europe seeking to be saved or to be baptised in the Holy Spirit and with fire. John Wesley's visit to Herrnhut was typical of thousands of others. 'God has given me at length,' he wrote to his brother Samuel, 'the desire of my heart. I am with a Church whose conversation is in Heaven; in whom is the mind that was in Christ, and who so walk as He walked'. In his journal he wrote, 'I would gladly have spent my life here; but my Master called me to labour in another part of His vineyard. O when shall this Christianity cover the earth, as the waters cover the sea?'
Image result for Count Ludwig von Zinzendorf and the Moravians
At the end of his life Count Zinzendorf could triumphantly say:I am going to my Saviour. I am ready. There is nothing to hinder me now. I cannot say how much I love you all. Who would have believed that the prayer of Christ, 'that they all may be one,' could have been so strikingly fulfilled among us! I only asked for firstfruits among the heathen, and thousands have been given me. Are we not as in Heaven! Do we not live together like the angels! The Lord and His servants understand each other. I am ready.
Over four thousand people followed his body to its resting place on the Hutberg, including Moravian ministers from Holland, England, Ireland, North America and Greenland. His tombstone bore this inscription: “Here lie the remains of the immortal man of God, Nicholas Lewis, Count and Lord of Zinzendorf and Pattendorf; who through the grace of God and his own unwearied service, became the ordinary of the Brethren's Church, renewed in this eighteenth century. He was born in Dresden on May 26,1700, and entered into the joy of his Lord at Herrnhut on May 9, 1760. He was appointed to bring forth fruit, and that his fruit should abide”.
Renew our days
The renewal of the Moravian Church can stir our hearts to pray, 'Renew our days as of old. 'In 1927, 200 years after the revival in of the Moravian Church, the editor of The Biblical Review, New York, wrote: No matter whether one is sympathetic toward the idea of revivals or not, if he wants to study the question thoroughly, he cannot afford to overlook the history and teachings of the Moravians. Theirs has been from the beginning a great Revival Church, and its service to the general cause of Christianity, and to foreign missions in particular, is deserving of wide recognition. The story of their spiritual development and its influence is one of the most inspiring in the annals of Christianity.
Their first great experience which gave the Moravians such spiritual power was a personal experience of salvation. The second great experience which gave them such spiritual power and leadership was the baptism in the Holy Spirit. Dr. J. Kenneth Pfohl, a Moravian pastor, wrote in The Moravian in 1927:The great Moravian Pentecost was not a shower of blessing out of a cloudless sky. It did come suddenly, as suddenly as the blessing of its great predecessor in Jerusalem, when the Christian Church was born. Yet, for long there had been signs of abundance of rain, though many recognized them not. In short the blessing of the 13th of August, 1727, was diligently and earnestly prepared for. We know of no annals of Church history which evidence greater desire for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit and more patient and persistent effort in that direction than those of our own Church between the years 1725 and 1727.
Two distinct lines of preparation and spiritual effort for the blessing are evident. One was prayer; the other was individual work with individuals. We are told that 'men and women met for prayer and praise at one another's homes and the Church of Berthelsdorf was crowded out.' Then the Spirit came in great power. Then the entire company experienced the blessing at one and the same time. In another article in The Moravian, Dr E. S. Hagen declared: The great revival in 1727 in Herrnhut was the normal and logical result of prayer and the preaching of the Word of the Cross. 'Christ and Him Crucified' was our brethren's confession of faith, and 'the inward witness of remission of sins through faith in His blood' their blessed and quickening experience.
Lecky in his History of Morals says of John Wesley's conversion, May 24, 1738, in the prayer meeting of Moravian Brethren in Aldersgate Street: 'What happened in that little room was of more importance to England than all the victories of Pitt by land or sea.' ...A renewal of our days as of old involves a return to fervent prayer and to the earnest and effectual preaching of the remission of sins through the vicarious sacrifice and the shedding of the blood of Jesus Christ the Son of God. Revival time is coming. We cherish a high expectancy of it. Sooner than we dream of, to God's people, who give themselves to earnest, persevering prayer, and the Scriptural testimony concerning the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, the windows of Heaven will be opened (1927:9091).
The day of revivals is not past. The Holy Spirit still waits to fill believers with power from on high, that we may live everyday as the revival that our world is in need of. Away with manipulations, and empty words, eloquent speeches, highfalutin words, sectionalism, non-lasting labors, castigating and attacking ourselves, we need proofs of ministry, lasting results, my heart yearns...  there's got to be more!

Adapted from a reproduction by Geoff Waugh of John Greenfield’s “Power from on High”. Edingburgh: Marshall, Morgan and Scott.© Renewal Journal #1 (93:1), Brisbane, Australia. pp. 2432.     Reproduction is allowed as long as the source and copyright remains intact with the text.


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