Army Rising (The Sword The Torch and The Trumpet)

Image result for the sword, the torch and the trumpetThis is an inspired piece borne for a time as this, read patiently and be sure to say something in the comments
The Sword, the Torch and the Trumpet
Our faith walk is so richly blessed that we've had several forerunners whose adventures in God made their stories, lives and dealings worth reading!
You see, we are all partakers of same inheritance but certain persons have become distinguished by their adventures in God via praying and unwrapping scriptures then proving this among us.

"That ye be not slothful but followers of them who through faith and patience, inherited the promise"
Heb 6:12

One thing that is common to these folks is their Lifestyle of Communion/Koinonia
They laboured long hours in word study, and prayers. These long hours of prayers were consistently accompanied with a steady intake of the word. These prayers were not necessarily, prayer for "things" but a laying hold of our inheritances and eternal realities, with a deep, rich experience of divinity.
The name of Jesus is not more powerful in the mouths of those classic saints than in ours, we have not received a counterfeit or "trial version" HolyGhost we have one Lord, one Spirit, one baptism, we all speak in tongues, but we must burst through the silver lining into these unique adventures wherein we are changed, pressing into the anointing, fully persuaded, awaking in convictions and having our own transfiguration experience like Jesus after such long hours of prayers at the Mount and Gethsemane...
Image result for the sword, the torchEhmmm the epistles shed light on the need to major and be large on "spirituals" not "materialism" praying long hours in the spirit, yes it cannot be ignored. This kind of praying is not needs-driven, or based on materialism. This is praying with all prayers, praying in the spirit, which demands speaking in tongues a lot...

Hope you'll get this one, it is wielding the sword of the spirit. What's the sword of the spirit really? Alright, now edit the punctuation marks in Ephesians 6:17-18 as it wasn't in the original manuscript, and you'll see it means *the word of God, praying always with all prayers and supplication in the spirit*...
We pray in the HolyGhost, speaking in tongues, digging the word at same time as it goes well with tongues (winks) and we are deliberate in soul winning, abounding with utterances.

Now say with me: "I'll be large on spirituals, praying in the Spirit, building up capacity in the spirit".

Image result for the sword, the torch and the trumpet
I'm sure you've read of this man whose name was changed from John to "Praying" note the tenses. Someone once described him below:
John Hyde is best known as Praying Hyde, "the apostle of prayer", and "the missionary who never sleeps".
Praying Hyde loved God's word. Usually when he knelt to pray in his tent, in his room, or in any prayer room, the Bible lay open before him. Many times his hands rested on it as he claims the promises of God and grounded his whole praying upon them. The scriptures was his constant strength.
No automatic alt text available.Praying Hyde's ministry was anointed with tears as he relates the love of God for people. He is seen weeping during times of private prayers as he interceded for redemption of men. Many times he broke down while praying publicly. John's heart is broken as he shares Christ's burden.
Praying Hyde's is an example of a dimension in the ministry of apostolic watchers. May we rise up and TRAVAIL for the power of the cross to PREVAIL over the lives of men. 

I see a gathering of the clouds of glory, I see an army rising up, they are coming out of every nation in response to the alarm of the blasting trumpet, this sound eludes those whose sensors are switched off.
I see prayer booths and camp fires started in every corner ascending to the heavens, the clouds are getting thick, the outpouring is imminent!
Can you see it?
The systems of this world are fallen, Babylon is fallen! There's a take over going on, the captor is taken captive! This army marches in the order of the Joel's Army, with the Ezekiel Army formation, none breaks her rank... Taking territories like the Gideon's army. Its a new dawn! This is a new day!

(To be continued...)

Join the train, a refreshing time of fellowship with other Praying Saints, every Second Saturday 6am-12noon
in 6Hrs of
206A Ordinance TransAmadi PHC
(Dates and Venues are flexible)
Bring a friend!


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