Refresh, Refire, Reload

Rising from the couch, standing up in symphony with each blow, and the crowds cheering on, will he win despite several come back from the punches? Another setback is suffered by him, he had been slammed on the floor and the tall giant-looking contending opponent of the WWF Belt leaned over him, but no! He moves his back from the floor at the Referees' second call hitting the floor.

Only a knock out punch will do the job! Eyes fastened on the Television Screen, mouths opened, everyone shouldered in revuction, and snap! O power has been interrupted! Hear the sighs, the hissing kids leaving the room one after the other... Suddenly another kid scream out: "Up NEPA! Light don come!
It was a bigle sounding to gather everyone but the only left on the Wrestlemania broadcast was the closing jingle of the fight with creaky voice say DON'T TRY THIS AT HOME!

Yes such was the experience! Can I share with you something in that light? Yes, this one to partake in, and also try at home as well. We call it:

Are you so scheduled that you can barely catch your breathe, reload, refresh and get rejuvenated? or Are you looking for direction, clarity,  guidance?
Do you feel the void, the need for more, desire to literally gulp all of God like a drink, without the interruptions of others or the distraction of routines? How about an ambience of the divine consciousness, wrapped in such love that makes your heart wanna rupture in your chest?!

What if I told you that you can suspend your routines, freeze your fears, suspend your disbeliefs stretch your capacity, building up yourself on your most Holy faith?

Come, fan the flames, separate yourself, sit by the fire, experience autoignition..., download directions, set courses, navigate, refresh, rejuvenate, receive answers!
Learn of He who only can bend time and situations at will to favor His course for you - we really can clear schedules and attend to our own souls.

Now, just Imagine Life Without Purpose, Life with the voyage of the Spirit, full of...

Monotonous… Mundane… Routine… Depressing… Full of if only’s.


Waking up every day, pressing snooze five times, then rushing off to work…maybe rushing your kids off to school with no time for a deep connect with family, nor divinity, unable to harness utterances like you should. Maybe not even making eye-contact with your spouse, no time to muse on the word like you'll like it because there’s no time, you overslept, and you have to clock into work.

This is work…the kind that you get paid for. You show up, do your work, collect your cheque and hold your breath until the weekend. Sunday night, you mope around and repeat the same thing on Monday…wake up, press snooze five times, then rush off to work.

But you have to pay the bills!

Imagine how we live life without purpose, placing premium on things of eternal worth, getting spent, life ebbing away daily. Or, maybe you don’t have to imagine. Maybe you are trudging through life with no motivation, purpose, passion, fuel, and no passion for the things of the spirit again.

Guess what?


And there's got to be MORE!

You can shut down, enjoy half day of unbroken fellowship with the Father, in the company of other saints, with minimal distractions, you can stir up yourself, fan the flames, build up yourself, muse on the word, download answers, see your way clear, set sail, get more  and it goes well with Tongues!

IGNITIONPoint can help you restart in such Koinonia's bootcamp!

Have you ever asked yourself questions like, “Is this all there is to life?

Well stop questioning everything and act now
Schedule a time away from work, build capacity, retrain yourself to carry that consciousness and go through your days plugged on to wellspring of inspiration, refired for nonstop Koinonia...
Join us at
IGNITIONPoint Believers PrayerStretch Sat 19th May, 2018

Project INSPIRE May 29th in PHC

10Hrs WWP BootCamp in July!

Plan, prepare to partake of the brand new
10hours of nonstop
Sat 14th July... 
Bring a friend!


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