Your greatest resistance against the snare of the wicked, and every form of deception is your mind.
The devil cannot ensnare you beyond the way you think!
There is a spiritual law that demands that even spirits have to respect the will of man, this brings us to the mind, belief system and thought patterns. This is a realm for senses where truth, facts or fause is formed.
Any man in his right mind cannot be dominated by the enemy. Deceptions cannot be automatic it only works with a variation of thought pattern and an unarmed mind with right knowledge.
The tool to enforce your escape from any snare of falsehood is the truth and a right mind.
The greatest form of terrorism should be deceptions and delusions. This makes deceivers i.e unknown enemies within, more terrible than persecutors [who are enemies you may know.]

Stay with the truth you know, abandoning it makes you vulnerable. Staying in the realm of knowledge makes you impregnable. Staying with the truth you know is crucial to also help you from opposing yourself.
There is no opposition that comes against you that instructions cannot deal with, it is the lack of instruction [knowledge] that brings destruction. Instructions only become clearer with better attention and perception.
Its amazing to say that when you be little what you know you cannot benefit from it.
This should be why we need an understanding of tongues to acknowledge the instructions uttered for edification.
Facts are real but temporary, only the truth is eternal. Facts change with time, take for example if you asked a lady, of say Seventeen years, you met for the first time and asked for her name she will tell you something but ask her again after a few more years say after she got married the name should have changed! Yeah, facts change but the truth remains correct. In fact there is no lie against the truth. Truth stands alone.
Not until you are made to take leave of the truth you know and focus on the experiential facts you see, you cannot be deluded.
Delusion only works because it appears to be true, and a trick is played on your senses to believe that the farce was a fact and eventually, truth. No deception is supernatural, they are all limited/linked to the sense realm, as the serpent [deceiver] had been told to eat dust i.e the senses of man, only operating by what is common.
The way out of deception is the acknowledging of the truth.
The onus is on us to know and stick to the finished work of Christ, garrison our heart with the truth not being schizophrenic or double minded, acknowledging and believing the truth of the word. This is the daily lot of believers, to acknowledge the truth, affirm it, live by it and renew our mindset with it.
The limitations of man are all resident in thought patterns, belief systems and mindset. Your limitations may appear to be fact but not truth. Lay hold on the revelation of truth and allow it change you, when it does faith is boosted and you will change your situations!
Its time to use what is yours...
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