...Dreaming Too Much?

Yes, that's the resonating phrase that got me started right now as I reminisce on notes I took from a mentor. Have you ever been told by friends that you are dreaming too much? Hmmm!
Everybody does not have to agree with my dream for it to come to pass!
Nobody achieves greatness because everybody agrees with them. So if you are waiting for public endorsement you may miss out on greatness and exploits.
Most of the people we call great today, were never seen as great until after they died!
So if you are waiting for people to line up with your vision you may wait until you die! You are running out of time... We really do not have time for people to figure us out before we do exploits with their permissions.
You know people love dead heroes and they only recognize them after they die, this was true Martin Luther King and others. If you really have a dream, you have to run the risk of being controversial... You do not have time to wait!
If people do not agree or believe in you, it does not stop the mission from being successful!
You have been hindered and held up by people that do not understand where you are coming from, because they didn't see it or understand it... stop hindering yourself
Are you pregnant with a vision?
Are you a dreamer?
Then its time to consider these two phrases!
Identify the source of your dream
Where did your dream come from? Is it from Parents or mentors who want to live their lives vicariously through you? You could be destroyed trying to fulfill it. You may even become frustrated and miserable for many years trying to live another man's dream.
Don't be manipulated to live the dreams of domineering people who lock you up in the prison of their ideas, you will always be miserable until you cry Why am I here?
Any dream that is born from a bad beginning, or trying to prove a point to someone, can become a night mares that ends in agonies! You cannot allow somebody's opinion to become your idol.
It really takes some nerves to ask yourself, why am I doing this?
The enemy may not be able to put a hold on you but he will try to steal your life from you, by making you live the life of another person. Why are you really doing what you are doing?
Live out your own purpose with a sense of fulfillment!
Feel free to be controversial. You were not place here to live or repeat someone else's success!
Its time to ask the maker and encoder of dreams to give you your dream! get the complete codes/ algorithm.
Do not spend your life on something that God didn't tell you to do!
Discover yourself from the manufacturer's manual.
There is a reason you are here today!
You do not just have to try to be seen, or heard like others, get your own purpose and stick to it!
There is nothing like understanding what your true purpose is, it brings a feeling and a gut that makes you say: 'I was born to do this!'
When you find your place, fulfillment comes with it!
Live to the fullest!
Determine the resource for the DREAM
What do you have to walk with?
Take a honest look at your resources.
You have everything you need for the God-given dream!
If you have a dream that cannot be enacted until everyone else agrees, then it is not correct! Your dream is already equipped. You have resources in you for a long time. Everything you have gone through, had been preparing you for it.
Don't get frustrated because nobody backed you up or funded you! I believe it is in you! You may just need to know how to bring it out!
Say with me:
I have it in me!
The raw gift is in me!
The raw ability is in me!
It may need to be enlarged or polished, but its in me!
I got the stuff!
I may not have the fame or recognition yet, but I got the stuff!
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!
It's in ME!
...It is time to stir up the gifts in you!
The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams!
The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams!
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