Walking On Water

There's no doubt that the seen world is controlled by the forces of the unseen world. One influential force operated to maintain dominance is operating by FAITH ..
Christians are called BELIEVERS because they believe God. However People don't get what God has prepared for them because they don't believe. Hence we may not seem to enjoy all that the covenant or contract provided...
Whenever you come to God, you must believe that He exists and that He is a rewarder of those that seek Him diligently.
God responds to faith. Whenever you release faith, heaven has to respond to you.
We sometimes lose sight of God due to the circumstances they go through. But do you know if God ever had an obsession then it will be that God's greatest obsession is to be trusted! God always shows up for everyone who trusts Him.
He desires that we trust Him totally!
He desires that we trust Him totally!
We see from 2 Corinthians 10:5 that- Strongholds are things that challenge the veracity of God's word in our lives. We must cast down every stronghold.
Next to this is that We have to settle the issue of trust before we begin to walk in dominion. Exo 4:4
The outcome of any situation you are dealing with is determined by your current disposition. You must settle the issue of trust in your heart. Do you believe your circumstance or do you believe God's word? Trusting God is a major one. Walking by faith is the way to live. The word of God must become the final authority for our lives!
The world system was designed for us to doubt God but we must purpose in our heart to trust God.
Our prayers will be affected if we don't believe God. Praying without believing doesn't carry power. Don't celebrate your situation. Celebrate revelation from God's word!
Faith is what God respects. God goes into action when we walk in faith.
Our prayers will be affected if we don't believe God. Praying without believing doesn't carry power. Don't celebrate your situation. Celebrate revelation from God's word!
Faith is what God respects. God goes into action when we walk in faith.
We must realize also the sensitivity of what we HEAR!
What you hear affects your results. Always pay attention to God's word. That woman with the issue of blood came into limelight because she heard about Jesus not some gossip in town. May I ask, what have you heard?
What you hear affects your results. Always pay attention to God's word. That woman with the issue of blood came into limelight because she heard about Jesus not some gossip in town. May I ask, what have you heard?
There is something called the prayer of faith. This is what heals the sick. It is fir everyone who BELIEVE in Jesus. Remember all things are possible to those who believe.
When you release your faith, you can't afford to lose heart because faith will get you the impossible.
When you release your faith, you can't afford to lose heart because faith will get you the impossible.
Faith comes by hearing & fear also comes by hearing. You can't afford to listen to anything that introduces fear into your life. Guard your heart! Be careful what you watch & listen to. Be deliberate about building your faith.
Now let's see the basics of faith:
Now let's see the basics of faith:
1. Faith is voice-activated [Mk 11:22]
You can speak to anything - your body, house, wardrobe, car park...
We are like God by design and creation so when we speak, power is released. We are speaking beings and creators like Him.
Faith is not all about believing, it is also about speaking!
We are like God by design and creation so when we speak, power is released. We are speaking beings and creators like Him.
Faith is not all about believing, it is also about speaking!
2. When you speak in faith & don't doubt in your heart, you will have what you say. Mk 11:22
3. Peace is the greatest sign that your prayer has been answered. Pray till you get peace about that matter.
4. Once you know the mind of God about a matter, you speak to the circumstance. That is the prayer of faith! Let the redeemed say so! We do not say it to be so but because its so!
5. Don't compare that problem with yourself. Compare that problem with God & it will become so insignificant in your sight.
Moses used a rod to perform miracles but Joshua used his mouth to get results. We are the Joshua- generation. We are a speaking generation. Joshua spoke the extra terrestrial bodies and altered the duration of day and night just to take delivery of what had been promised Jos 8:10-12 You have a better covenant than the one Joshua operated in therefore whenever you speak, things have to obey!
6. When you speak, you are not under pressure. There are angels assigned to you to carry those words out. Matthew 8:7, Hebrews 1:14 (NLT).
7. It is faith that elevates you! Matthew 8:11.
The prayer of faith will save, elevate & lead you.
Love ya!
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