Superstar Syndrome
There's a new order declared from the sitting of the assembly of the first born:
"It's a new beaming of light, no more 'one man show or some super star MOG'
the floodlights are now on the pew not just the pulpit. The lights are on you now, it's time to perform the acts of the Spirit, enough of waiting on the super star prophets"
"It's a new beaming of light, no more 'one man show or some super star MOG'
the floodlights are now on the pew not just the pulpit. The lights are on you now, it's time to perform the acts of the Spirit, enough of waiting on the super star prophets"
Stars are meant to be followed not idols- ask the wise men!
Wait, do you realize that we have all received an equal faith? The Spirit like other great Saints talking of Paul, Peter, Phillip etc? No one was given a lesser version or trial version or an inferior Holy Spirit!
Wait, do you realize that we have all received an equal faith? The Spirit like other great Saints talking of Paul, Peter, Phillip etc? No one was given a lesser version or trial version or an inferior Holy Spirit!
"His intention was the perfecting and the full equipping of the saints (His consecrated people), [that they should do] the work of ministering toward building up Christ's body (the church),
13[That it might develop] until we all attain oneness in the faith and in the comprehension of the [[b]full and accurate] knowledge of the Son of God, that [we might arrive] at really mature manhood (the completeness of personality which is nothing less than the standard height of Christ's own perfection), the measure of the stature of the fullness of the Christ and the completeness found in Him.
14So then, we may no longer be children, ..." Ephesians 4:12-14

I bear witness to the dealings of God in these days... a strong beam of the light of His countenance is on saints outside the five fold ministry. "His eyes are on the PEWS now". No more "one man show or some super star MOG".
The core charge from the heart of the Father today is that the saints be PREPARED to carry forward the agenda of The Father. What began with Abraham eventually culminated in a nation. Similarly, it has always been His desire that what began with Jesus would culminate in a PEOPLE.
The breaks and interregnums we have had with the moves of God hitherto has been a result of little or no emphasis in REPRODUCTION & MULTIPLICATION. Great and monumental graces and anointings have graced this earth since the days of Enoch. It wasn't so much of some power as much as it had been unique dimensions, aspects and characteristics of God walking the earth. In the words of some, "a move of God is God moving". You know what, we are the move of God today!
It has become evident that the prevalence of darkness in the earth today cannot be totally extinguished by the blazing light of a few. The entire body needs to shine for these darkness to be put out, where there are no superstar, the work is for ALL, the fivefold only prepared the Saints for the work. The same Spirit is poured on ALL FLESH... We may ALL PROPHESY... I could go on and on. Yeah we determine the measure and the results but we can put demand on what has been received of the father to do greater works! When the Bible says, "I sought for a MAN", today we understand He is after A CORPORATE MAN.
Are you so passionately in love with Jesus and burdened about certain aspects of life and society, yet you do not see yourself on the pulpit with the microphone proclaiming the word of the Lord? You aren't wrong and out of order. You are equally strategic and relevant in the purposes of God as those who are called to be the TRAINERS & COACHES. You must just dig deep into the mind of God to understand that unique way Christ wants to flow through you; that area of darkness He wants to beam His light in you to exterminate.
We have come into a season of BORDERLESS THINKING, CHURCH WITHOUT WALLS,... Christ must be seen clearly in all aspects of human endeavour. The Holy Spirit's knowledge is not confined to scriptures alone (with KJV accents). You'll be amazed how much He knows and is willing to share with and through you about Science, Technology, Fashion, Education, Movie making, etc.
Remember, scriptures say His Thoughts and Ways are Higher. We must give expression to His Higher Thoughts and Ways for us to indeed reign on earth as His ambassadors. Higher also means "superior, of better quality and value". This is what we must deliver within the unique context of our individual gifts and callings.
Today, the testimonies of God's power would also be from individuals in the market place who are INNOVATING & CREATING like their Father. We would hear of healing, workings of miracles and diverse demonstrations of the gifts of the Spirit in markets, offices, schools, gyms, boardrooms, etc. As Jesus moved and worked in places outside the temple, so we would see a many-membered body manifest His life everywhere they are and go.
The call today is to all who are saved and called to be saints to be willing to be vessels of His glory through which the savour of His knowledge would be diffused into every nook and cranny of society. Are you ready? Like Mary, if this is resounding in your heart, simply say, "be it unto me according to your word".
The knowledge of His glory would cover the earth as the waters cover the sea.
There is an ongoing transition from spectator (audience) based Christianity to participation of the saints- men and women will stand in their place within diverse spheres of influence to represent the mind of Christ until the knowledge of the glory of the LORD takes over the earth as the waters cover the sea.
Can we get an AMEN as we go out daily fulfilling this?
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Plan to attend!
Mon 29th May 2017
@ Knowledge Development Centre
Mon 29th May 2017
@ Knowledge Development Centre
202A Aba road Opp Mobil Filing Station Waterlines PHC
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