About our Last Night IGNITE Whatsapp Hangout - Faith School

So you never miss a thing, I thought to quickly collate some of the thoughts shared last night on our Whatsapp Forum with over 300 saints. It was massive and I hope it blesses you too. We took off the main Series on School of the Spirit and got to a point then branched into Schoolof Faith as a subseries for the past two weeks or so now. Here's an extract for you.

Last night we established that the just shall live by Faith is a great text that showed the progress we already received by the finished work of Christ.

In Habakkuk 2:4 it says the just shall live by his faith, but this is old testament.

Why that?

In the old testament every believer lives by his faith, but in the new testament, the his disappeared

We see that in Romans 1:7, Galatians 3:11, Hebrews 10:38.

Oh glory to God!

The system has changed, we no longer live by our faith, but that of Jesus.

We live by the faith of Jesus! Galatians 2:20.

This understanding takes away the pressure and fear of faith failure as a complex to exercising faith for the miraculous

We live by the faith of Jesus. The faith sponsoring ours is that if the author and finisher.

Whatever the faith of Jesus can do in Jesus, it'll do the same in you

The function doesn't reduce simply because it changes hands. The faith you have is creative faith, even if what you want hasn't been done, it'll be created.

Your faith can handle all things. It's according to the request you make, it'll appear. There's no thing your faith can't handle.

The first place to start in faith, is to have this consciousness. Faith comes by hearing and so does fear. If you faith has handled headache, it can handle all other diseases, cancer, etc.
Believe it!
Engage it!
Use your faith!
It always works!

Quick Question and Answer to check your consciousness:

Q. What kind of faith do you have?

The only answer that fits is...
The faith of Jesus!

As long as there is no problem with the faith of Jesus, there no problem with your faith. It is perfect, working and effective. The problem isn't in your faith, but in the use of it. The way to make use of this faith and make it effective, is to know that you have the faith of Jesus.

Check this out:
The new creation came from heaven with faith already installed.

By default the believer lives by faith. The faith is Inbuilt, there is no believer without faith. All of us that are believers have obtained like precious faith. No believer has greater faith than you! What you have is the faith of God, the greatest faith.

Now say it aloud again: I have the faith of Jesus.

In Romans 4:18 it didn't say anything about having weak faith, you might be weak in faith but you don't have weak faith! That someone is weak is weak in faith doesn't mean the man is weak. Being weak in faith means you aren't engaging faith effectively. You probably need more knowledge of your faith.

Faith doesn't necessarily come by impartation. If you are born again, you have faith. There's the measure faith already granted you, use it!

Say with me, I have faith, and I have the faith of God, there is nothing wrong with my faith.

Let it be registered in you that your faith is the greatest faith and there is nothing wrong with it. You can handle all cases. Whatever you choose and believed for, your faith will bring, let no one tell you there is something wrong with your faith.

Matthew 8:5-9
Jesus said I will come and heal him, and not even I'll come and pray.

What an audacious statement?!

This is an action of faith.

Don't read the gospels and even talk like the centurion, if you are good enough to have Jesus in you, you are good enough for every good thing, any thing that pertains to life and godliness! You're good enough to have anyone and anything.

Stop thinking you are unworthy, that unworthiness ended with them. Don't cheapen your status by what you read. You are not just worthy to untie Jesus' shoes like John the Baptist said but you are the feet wearing the sandals!

It's not pride, see things in the eyes of Christ and the finished works!

The price God has paid on you is an overpayment and it covers for your new identity!

Don't cheapen what has been done in a bit to be humble. You are God's own purchased special person... Complete that scripture quotation from 1 Pt 2:9 AMP

In fact if you truly want to be humble, then I suggest you go forward and do greater works!
Jesus charged us to do greater works!
If you are really humble, go forward and become all that God has said of you!
Realize it, Acknowledge it, Engage it!

Glean all the IN HIMs, the IN CHRIST realities and superimpose yourself in your mind's eyes!

You are not ordinary!
You are God's Treasure Chest!
You are God's workmanship!

One way I am learning to read the Scripture as a New Creation believer, is to see myself as the Jesus in the Gospels not me as the Centurion or Woman with the issue of blood or as the Syrophoenecian Woman or the impotent man needing the healing.

Our position has changed by the price God paid on us!

God has brought many sons unto glory!

This is not naturally gender sensitive as we see in Galatians, there's no male or female ...

The Epistles says, As He is, so are we even in this world
It's a now thing not tomorrow!
See yourself as God sees you!

See your true picture in the Healing Jesus walking through the Gospels and believe that Jesus in you is the same yesterday, today and forever!

I really want to scream at  that statement!

I know something is happening in you as you read these lines whenever you do read them. Yes, there's a Holy provocation into greater works!

Jesus himself said so... How come you've been postponing that all the while?

I look forward to hear from us... As you read, receive boldness to command unusual results by faith in the name of Jesus!

Jesus said he hasn't found such great faith in Israel, realise you are not in the natural Israel or from there, (some other time we shall discuss a different perspective to that statement). As for you, realize you are from above. You have the greatest faith, you have the faith of Jesus.

Say with me, my faith can do all things.

That you can think it, is the  evidence that you can have it. Do you desire it, then you have it. Don't let any one condemn you, if it's possible in Christ then it's already yours. Eph 3:20 said so too!

Now let's reaffirm these words.

Say with me:
 I have testimonies, because I have the faith of God.

I live by the faith of the Son of God and
Nothing is impossible to that faith
There is nothing that faith cannot do

I've got much to say but let's keep it here tonight for you to redigest!

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