Dreams and Interpretation

Dreams are usually interpreted in the zenith of each man's knowledge and realities, and as wonderful as that is, it makes it defective yet reliable. Dreams can be a mystery to many. Sometimes they excite you while it could be depressing for some. Avoid being a puppet to your dreams. Gain the insight to scriptural foundation, biblical records, trends and diversity of dreams. You may just want to know when to shrug off your dreams or when to take it really serious.

Can I share with you some basic lessons that you may rename as Dreams 101. We had a long gist on this some time ago on IGNITE Online Community on WhatsApp and a lot was said for about week on it. You may request for some of the notes later. Today, lemme show you some of my notes from Sekou Abodunrin's book on Dreams Decoded.

”Dreams Decoded: Revelation, Interpretation and Application”

If you believe that demons feed you in your dream it is because of the teachings you have been exposed to. That kind of doctrine weakens your conscience. . This is evil communication. There are things that God does not forbid but limited knowledge in the soul creates and enforces myths that forbid it. Eating in and of itself, whether asleep or awake, should not be a big deal (gluttony is). Our conscience can make a big deal of it. If you are going to make a big deal of it, side in with God’s Word. Receive your food with thanksgiving and prayer (see 1 Tim. 4:4). You should be a person of prayer, even in your sleep. Solomon prayed to God in his dream.

Dear friends, if our consciences do not condemn us, we approach God with confidence 
1 John 3:21 (GOODSPEED)

Without a doubt, conscience and knowledge go hand in hand. It is your conscience that withdraws or supplies boldness and confidence. If your conscience condemns you on a matter, it withdraws confidence and you feel guilt (see 1 John 3:21). If your conscience is weak in an area, you won’t be bold in that area. Your conscience is not necessarily God leading you.

We receive condemnation from our heart and think that is God talking to us through that sense of condemnation. You only feel condemned for eating in your dream because you have been instructed that it is an evil thing. Though you cannot find scripture for such beliefs you still let it govern your emotional state.

We don’t go about ignoring our conscience. We diligently subject our conscience to God’s Word so that the Word cleanses our conscience and strips it of myths and old wives fables. We use God’s Word to redesign our conscience to align with God’s Word and the dominion we have in Christ.

The kind of teaching that stirs up fear in people for eating in their dream is actually one of the prophesied signs of the end times. It is a doctrine of devils to command people not to eat meats asleep or awake. People that adhere to such have departed from the faith. People attach a lot of spiritual weight to these old wives fables.This ends up searing their conscience (see 1 Tim. 4).

People with a weak conscience are those that act on other people’s convictions rather than getting into the Word of God and using God’s Word to build theirs (see 1 Cor. 8).

If I were to find myself eating in my dream, I’ll eat conscious that greater is He who is in me than he who is in the world! I’ll agree with the Word that nothing is to be refused (asleep or awake), if it were received with thanksgiving (see 1 Tim. 4:4). Nothing can penetrate the immunity that is mine in the finished work of Christ. This is enforced by faith in the security that is mine in Christ. The anointing that accompanies the New Birth dematerializes any yoke.

Enough said about old wives fables.

By dreams, I am referring to the series of thoughts, transactions and activities that we perceive to be real in our inner life while we are fast asleep.

Many superstitious Christians awake out of their dreams and immediately make decisions or alter their lives based upon the dream they just had. In the same way that it would be silly to read something on the internet and then alter your life based on what you have read, it is silly to take decisions based on dreams without first analyzing them in the light of God’s Word. It is the content of our dreams and visions that are important. No matter how sophisticated a dream sounds, it must always be judged by God’s Word.

So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. 
Rom 10:17

It is clear then that faith’s source is found in the content of the message heard; the message is Christ. 
Rom 10:17 (MIRROR)

The Word of God is a container for faith. It is an information source just like myths, traditions and the circumstances of life are information sources. The more you hear the Word, the more bible faith you have at your disposal for everyday living.

The more you hear about the ministry of Christ, the more you’ll believe that ministry. You are to have more faith in the ministry of Christ to you than you have in satan’s ministry of condemnation against you. The more you hear yourself boldly declare the supremacy of Christ’s ministry to you, the harder it becomes for satan to penetrate through the hedge of protection that surrounds you in Christ.

What we believe is based on what we have heard and continue to hear. Our beliefs then form our experiences. Thus we experience things in line with what we believe as a result of the teachings that we are exposed to.

This is why people do not receive eternal life and get born again where the gospel has not been preached (Rom. 10:14). It is also why people do not speak in tongues in churches that do not teach about it. Whether men get born again or speak in tongues is not up to God. It is up to us to give men the gospel. When they hear and believe the gospel it empties divine power into their lives.

Our lives mirror what we continue to hear and believe.

This principle is why people tend to have an unhealthy dream life until through the gospel, they discover that their dream lives do not have to be ruled by myths, tradition and fear. It is a spiritual fact that the heart of a man will conform his dream life to reproduce more of what he hears whether he is a saint or sinner.

The power to stabilize our dreams is contained within the gospel as we expose ourselves to it and believe it.

I meet too many Christians who think that they have a dream problem or a sleep problem even. The real issue is that these Christians have areas where they have not heard or believed the truth of God’s Word. They have fed on myths and traditions until they became afraid of the devil and what he can do to them in the arena of sleep.

Just like faith, unbelief comes by what we hear. Our religious traditions dress satan with borrowed clothes of omnipotence that is foreign to satan himself. When we acknowledge the devil’s power, he becomes as big to us as we believe him to be. We are to acknowledge the greater one within! Whether asleep or awake our spirits are still masters.

Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. 
1 John 4:1

The faith you exercise in a spirit being is a product of what you hear about that spirit. Feast heavily on the Word of God. You cannot be afraid of the devil if your information about him is from God’s Word.


And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. 
1 Thessalonians 5:23

Greek scholars tell us that the phrase, “I pray” is not in the Greek. Therefore Paul was not praying at all in this verse. He was not praying that God would do that which is His job to do - and neither should we! Paul was stating a fact of redemption - God’s faithfulness to preserve man in the dimensions of man’s being.

Man is a phenomenal creation of God who is able to operate on three dimensions simultaneously. In the visible components of our nature, we have a body just like animals have a body. We function in the physical, psychical and spirit dimensions through our body, soul and spirit respectively.

Man is a spirit just like God and angels are spirits. Man is a spiritual being. The fundamental part of man, which is also to be his dominant part, is his spirit. As a Christian, he is a son of God.

There is a divine reality of dominion within our spirits that has not made it into our souls. Christians that reason carnally are only willing to go by the evidence of their senses. If they feel it, then it is real; otherwise, it is fiction. They have a low estimation of divine things, for divine things are contacted through the Word of God.

In the New Birth, the human spirit has God’s DNA. God is not creating human spirits in heaven and looking for which wombs to send them into on the earth. God gave that power to Adam and his offspring. It is in the New Birth that God gets involved in creating a human spirit.


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