Inspired Random Thoughts

The strategy satan has consistently used against the Church is, push them into excess when it comes to the truth they have received from God. With that people throw the baby out with the bath water.

Fasting was a very powerful truth brought into the fore front in the 40's and largely responsible for what we call the modern day charismatic renewal as it was the prayer and fasting revival that birthed many of the fathers of faith in the healing/faith revival and that is on record. Some of the leaders of the thought were pushed into saying excessive things and people backed off and the truth became lost.

The teaching on the confession of God's word was probably the most powerful tool the Church had for practical Christian living and entering into the reality of things known to be true, some turned it into an "if i can name it i can claim it" with no Scriptural foundation, many got resistant and backed off.

Expressions of joy in the HolyGhost was also abused as some went into excess in those meetings and people got wary. Giving and receiving, God's way of creating an entrance for miracles was also abused. The teachers who received the original thoughts from God on seed-faith were very circumspect in their dealings and it lifted ministries and christians out of poverty.

Lesson, find the truth by reading the original thoughts on each of these subjects and then practice them, the future belongs to that person that will walk with balance in the truths that birthed the powerful waves of the Spirit of the past.

The pot of gold is in the middle of the road.
Inspired by POJU OYEMADE.


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