Unknown Psychopathic And Sadist Traces

These Questions and thoughts got me Musing and I thought to share, expecting your own feed back too.

They are summarized questions fueled by thoughts on some unusual practices that had now become normal. Maybe you haven't been there to experience it first hand or realized you meted it on others. Well it's provocative and begs for answers. Where did we get all these things from?

It seems easy to describe a sadistic person or label psychopath killers but what if we were the ones doing it ourselves?


In the name of religion so much heinous crimes have been committed and covered by men that one is tempted to ask questions

God certainly wants people to come to him out of love and appreciation, not out of fear... But

Q.  How do we justify the thinly veiled hatred for the world exhibited by some Christians, despite divine injunction to love humanity and sinners?

Q. How do we explain the desire to control and regulate the lives of others with prejudicial and cultural provincialism?

Q. How do we explain a Christian rejoicing at the misfortune of others, say over the loss of a child, husband or wife?

Q. How do you accuse a grieving widow of witchcraft? Or declare the loss of an innocent child God’s judgment? Which God? (Romans 12:15) Whatever happened to the spirit of compassion?

Q. How do we explain the disdain some Christians have for people who dress dissimilar to their cultural taste?
Yet the Bible says, “Anyone who hates another brother or sister is really a murderer at heart,” thus confirming our psychotic diagnosis. (1 John. 3:15 NLT)

Q. And that spirit of condemnation, where is it coming from?
(John 3:17)

Q. How can the people Jesus committed the continuity of his ministry of reconciliation to, hate the very people they’re supposed to reach out to? How can you despise another human, someone you never made and can’t make?

Q. How do we explain the awful excoriation of those who make conspicuous mistakes in life, say a pregnancy out of wedlock? (Matthew 5:28)

Q. How do we justify the casting away of a pregnant single girl from church? Where do we want her to go? And it doesn’t matter how faithfully she’s served in the past, once her sin balloons she becomes persona non grata.

Q. Is the church an exclusive club for the perfect that we humiliate the mistaken, turn them into parables and use them as sermon fodder?
We’re not saying discipline should not be enforced, but discipline must have an open backdoor of redemption. It’s how an exceptionally grievous sinner got restored in the church at Corinth. (1 Corinthians 5:1, 2 Corinthians 2:5-8)

The purpose of discipline is redemption!

Q. How do we explain the treatment of divorcees, or the insistence on hatch lockdown for those experiencing mentally debilitating and emotionally ruinous marital trauma? Isn’t mercy the weightier matter of the Law? (Matthew 23:23) Of course the twice divorced is twice condemned, even though Jesus himself would not condemn the fifth-divorced woman at the well of Samaria. (John 4) She was the Elizabeth Taylor of her time. Isn’t there a reason God put such stories in the Bible? The Bible is full of stories of imperfect people.  Were Jesus walking the earth today he would be cast from the temple for the egregiousness of not endorsing the stoning of the woman caught in adultery! (John 8) How could he endorse adultery, the Pharisees will query. Is he not encouraging fornication, the Sadducees will intone. Whatever happened to the facticity of the God who gives second, third, fourth, fifth and umpteenth chances to all, including the Pharisees? Whatever happened to the truism of the God who keeps forgiving sinners?

This “thing” we’re practicing…it bears no semblance to Christianity. It’s #sadism. These are not the teachings of Jesus! Some of us have been so deluded. They imagine themselves regulators of the Body of Christ, the ones who guarantee the sanctity and purity of the Body.

Egocentric delusion is psychopathy.


Adapted from Leke's blog


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