BANNED or ENDORSED? - You be the judge!

In a distant land, long before the time when Standard Organizations and regulatory bodies were set up, sales were made first by referrals alone, as word of mouth filled through lips of satisfied users not bothered about ulterior motives.

There was a need to meet among a large crowd of voyagers who trekked long distances like weary camels under the scorching sun. The need was great, the crowd was intense but managers were not bent on just anything. You could literally hear the mumbling, the clatters of feet, the sweat drop dissipating heat, and splashing on the thirsty grounds... there was need for a major supplier of food based products to serve the willing and waiting audience, although funds were limited, business was sure as payment could be sort via other means. 

Quotations were sought from different quarters for the leading agencies, and merchants of the day. Nobody remembered the little boy who emerged the youngest CEO to break the Wall Street record of their day. Nobody thought his product will serve the purpose. As the high class vendors were asked to submit bids or leads for what will be a major sales of the day. He emerged from the crowd under the scotching sun, sweating and displaying in his hands the poorly packaged, test product that had no label or brand name nor endorsement.

The collators of the bids available, professionals in observatory stastistics, did the maths and it failed. There was no way the product will be acceptable without creating chaos. The product failed every available test, from marketability to affordability, there will be no return on investment other than glued and loyal customers who will eventually make referrals should the product make it. Money was not the primary goal of the lad, adding value was his role. He rolled his sleeves kept his product on display, and without the endorsement of specialist, the banned product that failed every known required test for thriving business model made a supply of over five thousand copies, this was only the least number of copies supplied to the "hard or difficult to get" class who were of the masculine gender. Before them, there were willing, unthinking end users who were far more than double of this audience as the matrix of the market index was only matched against the impossible supply conditions.

So successful was the product that the unfamiliar distributor of the product who was not accepted, yet highly sought many times after just at the mention of his arrival to town. Men thronged after him, seeking his warehouse and supply chain managers. 

Ehmm, the product of which I speak was popularly documented in all time history as the Feeding of the 5,000 men besides women and children in the wilderness. 


Yeah I know that feeling, what if the little boy had withdrawn that lunch pack from circulation because those in business or the big names banned or refused to endorsed his product?
Imagine what could have happened? Do you think the boy was unaware of the shortcomings, insufficiency of his lunch? He stepped out nonetheless and there was a world record supply of that number in minutes.

Endorsements are great but who is doing so, to what and why is a matter!

The most important endorsement needed today is the only one you will not find on any Business School recommendation list, no MBA could teach you of it today, but it’s the only compulsory one for greatness.

Who said you have to lobby, compromise, break the bank to get the endorsement of men to increase sales and profit before you can start?

Public opinion is so unreliable that those who commit vision suicide or the dream abortionist must know that people always change their mind. They did the same to label the Apostle Paul a murderer but they were wrong it was Saul who was a murderer and he died a long time. Yet they still expected him (Paul) to die but when they waited and nothing happened, they changed their mind and called Paul a “god” ie to say leading product/brand/person.

From contrabanned goods adjudged in public court of popular opinion, emerged the leading product with all times benefit, as soldout!

Everything has its place but the 'make believe' world in which we live, requires that we refuse to be in a rat race, pressure to perform, exit the competition with others. Be the best of you and the world will come to you with endorsements.

God is the only one that endorses a man before society recognizes such - ask the label owner of King David that crisscrossed testaments as the most popular king, what of the brand name with the highest monetary value today that has outlasted haters that are now, or will eventually change their opinion, I speak of the name JESUS! 

The most important endorsement needed for every enterprise is recorded in Mtt 3:17, 17:6, guess what even before you were ready it was granted you, that's "the advantage" use it for as it was given him same is yours, you are accepted in the beloved! Ehmm 'in the beloved' only. aAny other thing is an explanation not addition!

Guess you are familiar with this line: "we always knew you will make us proud!" "That’s my son…" "I have always believed..." "I have always known..." its coming again for you even critics can become referrals, and your pro-bono endorsement and brand name advertisers.

We have been told overtime in this world of "make-believe" to fake it till you make it. Really?! 
Now I say to you, Believe it, Meditate it, till you experientially and literally become it! Endorsement could be late, remember, you are already it!
Already what you asked? You are:
The best seller author, the leading record label, the award winning personality... ehmm, what follows after you work it out, is the 'recognition' of it, the "additions" that come as endorsements, awards, honours etc. Its already in you - now work it out!

Serve, Learn, Emerge!

Sell that product, birth that dream, launch the dream, add value, be consistent, stay humble.
And if you are truly humble, go ahead, become great, be all you were wired for!

Branding is good, but as good as branding is, we must brand according to destiny! 
Suit yourself audience with the original intent of the products... 

Elijah and John had something similar, they weren't posh but they commanded attention. Isaiah was unlike they, he too had his own results but copying the template of Isaiah to play John the Baptist will be disastrous! 

Hope this helps? Let's talk about it and don't fail to share this... 


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