School of the Spirit (4)

Towards the Supernatural (School Of the Spirit)

When God initiates a new season He will allow for the custodians of this new season to cross paths one way or the other.
Study any move of the spirit from any era in history and you will quickly learn that the faces and the names of those period though different in expression and even theology crossed paths at some level in their journey.

This process is necessary because it delivers who and what is emerging from a spirit of entitlement. In a move of God nobody has the right to say "I started it",that honor belongs to God.

Yes, great leaders raise great leaders yes... But we do have the sense to know that great leaders are not always the fruits or results of great leadership.
Consider the men who joined David at Ziklag after leaving King Saul (1 Chronicles 12).
These men emerged under the most insecure,self-centered,connoving,wicked leader of their time,Saul.
There are seasons where there is a release of God's grace and those emerging during that period are products of an open heaven not necessarily great leadership.
David and the men who joined him at Ziklag emerged during a period of bad leadership...

There are men  who will emerge strong irrespective of who is leading...

When reading the book of Acts the one consistency is this:
After people were converted they were prayed over for the baptism of The Holy Spirit.
We convert people and do not teach them the importance of Holy Spirit in their journey. They end up trying to master a spiritual journey with man made methodology.
There must be a strong return to praying for an impartation of  Holy Spirit...
No wonder so many are not growing on this journey...

Acts 8:15
"When they arrived, they prayed for the new believers there that they might receive the Holy Spirit,"

We have produced a generation of christians who mock christians who are committed to learning the scriptures and prayer. They label such individuals deep and weird as if it is wrong to actually desire the deeper things of God......

The early Apostles yearned for the deeper things of God. They divorced themselves from anything that would infringe on their study and prayer time.
If we  want to be a generation of impact we should repent from our shallowness and foolishness that discredit and mock the seemingly deep...

If you are not dedicated to your growth the only way to maintain relevance is to discredit those that are growing.

Muse on these:
The early apostles were custodians of sound doctrines but over and above that they were individuals who explored the supernatural depth of God. They understood what "The same power that raised Christ from the dead is at work in us" meant.
Reading the book of Acts and the gospels is one of the craziest experiences.

Jesus walking on water and supernaturally causing an entire boat to reach its destination in record time....

Peter catching a fish with a coin in its mouth after receiving detailed instructions from Jesus.

Philip supernaturally transported to another city after baptising a Ethiopian Eunuch.

The Apostles shutting up a fortune teller and a sorcerer with one sentence

A homecell group praying servants of God out of a heavily guarded prison

Peter & Cornelius having a supernatural encounter concerning the same matter round about the same time

A supernatural catch of fish

Water to wine etc etc

This was not  revival,this was normal christianity. A generation is emerging in the earth who wants deliverance from "abnormal christianity" and want to return to normal christianity

Acts 1:8a "But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you...."

Healing the sick is awesome but it is important for us to know that this power is not limited to healing the sick.

They travelled supernaturally between cities.
They had open visions and out of body experiences.
They shook of deadly snakes like nothing
They heard God with absolute clarity and detail
They walked out of jail being escorted by angels

There is a generation in the earth that wants all of it


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