School of the Spirit (1)

School is not necessarily limited to the popular scene of board and marker and a teaching figure standing in front. School is more... And yeah, we've read of the school of the Prophet but I'm sure you weren't thinking that Elijah was setting exams and graduating folks as conferred prophets. Well, we look at the focus of this quarter, School of the Spirit.

It's a school or training in the Spirit where we give expression to the things of the Spirit.

Again, we give ourselves to prayers and the ministry of the word!

We can never over-do such!

Whether in our closet or corporately, it's a known path to the plateau of success in this life.

It seemed as if, we have begun to teach so much of many other things and made the things of spirit look unpopular or out of vogue.

Have you noticed that there's this discriminatory look given folks who largely promote the knowledge of the Spirituals like that is not the main thing?

What happened that it seemed as if we now think we would only succeed more if only we do every other thing (tush up, advertise more, brand more... I'm not against it but advocating the proper use of it) other than functioning by our design. Man is a spirit and everything natural is controlled or influenced by the spiritual.

What happened that we prioritized every other thing but prayer and the word

You even hear folks say we've been listening to that and that but when we fight with basics of the word, we hear responses like 'that's not what we thought it meant'

Everything has its place, but we must deliberately choose to major in the spirituals. Even occultic intellectuals, politicians, etc know we'll enough that certain things precede their strategies...

There's a summon in the Spirit we must continually yield to...

Good as our strategies may be for a wonderful life, nothing supersedes or should replace our GodWalk, our excelling in the things of the Spirit.

It's in prayers that we align with the inner rhythm and keep in steps with the Spirit. Directions are received, sensitivity is sharpened, productivity is activated, as the Lord begins to send the vibes of us, in our favor to the nations. Thereby bringing men and materials, in the right proportions, the laughable projects soon become laudable and people seem to ask:
"How did you get this wisdom? "

The word comes alive to us again and again! Our realities are altered to God's plans, SEE our good works (that's ministry and industry)!

Whatever made the Apostles abandon everything else to major in the heavier unit courses of the school of the spirit being Prayers and the Ministry of the word must imply that a good CGPA is first influenced by excellence in those courses...

Do I have a witness?



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