Yes! There is an army rising!

Their order is in the formation of the Special Forces of the Gideon Squad deployed only for; Mission Impossible, the squad is fondly called Project "Barley Loaf" or better still call them the '300'.
Did you ever see that epic movie titled '300'? Oh yeah, it typifies the dogged resolve of the folks that are rising up! Like they echoed in response to their King asking: "Spartans, what is your profession?' the only answer they roared was "War! War! War!". They were the finest of the kingdom, set aapart for missions impossible, loving not their lives even unto death! These men are not threatened by the marauding bands of the enemy, the number and arsenal of the enemy doesnt turn them back. The enemy is but a bread for them. Hmm! They are a band of folks who know who they really are, they understand 'who they are and whose they are'.
Even the Secret Service is amazed at their outstanding results despite the small size of men in the unit. They are swift like the Eagles, they invade enemy regions and snatch out prisoners of war from the black listed zones, undercover agents they seem to some but in the real essence of their assignments they are a bunch of young people 'at heart', the 300 of today named after the proverbial "barley loaf". They are deployed into every field and are never dressed in the regular military looks but are the finest of every field with the interest of the Defense Headquarters executing liberation and strange deliverances, everywhere the enemy planned an attack with counter intelligence of the Celestial Order.
Now to the origin of the name, that was drawn from the experience of the Hebrews.
Israel had been oppressed by the Midianites for a long time. Any grain that they were able to grow was snatched away by the enemy as soon as it was harvested.
God appeared to Gideon and gave him a charge to wage war against the enemy and deliver his people. And so naturally Gideon began to muster the army... not too many responded, but he had a word from God and Gideon took courage with the handful that came to the battle. He only had 32,000 men compared to the hosts of Midian which numbered about 135,000. But God looked at Gideon's little army and announced: "You have too many..."
Good Christian leaders everywhere are trying to mobilize the forces of Christianity to wage warfare against the forces of evil; but God comes on the scene and begins to demobilize. Twenty-two thousand went home out of fear... they might die in battle and lose all. But once again God looked down and said, "You still have too many..." What would Gideon do now? God Himself would single out the ones that would qualify for His army, and 9,700 more were sent home. God said, "All you need are the 300 I have left with you... this way I will get all the Glory."
God likened Gideon's little band to a "barley loaf" and with that flimsy, insignificant little army God would destroy all the armed might of the Midianites, 135,000 strong. How we need to learn God's Way!
It will interest you to know, like we said earlier, that this army comprises of special forces to the streets, schools; intelligence forces in the world of arts (entertainment:sport, music etc) and science; elite forces to the corporate world; full time 'soldiers' dedicated to raise and train other soldiers, irrespective of the field to which they were deployed. Some may not look conventional, yes they are peculiar!
Truly, if we are not sensitive, we will pass by our brethren because they are a peculiar (strange) people. We need to be alert because God's soldiers are arising from the most unimaginable places and they look nothing like the conventional Christians plagued with denominationalism, religion, eye-service, deception and double-standards.
Have you accepted your own enlistment?
To what field have you been deployed?
Are you still conscious that you are in that office, that company, that school,... for a purpose?
You were deployed for such a time as this!
Represent the interest of the King who deployed you there, stand out!
There's an army rising in the order of the "barley loaf", they are of the order of the '300' of Gideon's Army, a generation of young men and women like that small boy with the five loaves of bread and two fishes that Jesus needed to meet the need of five thousand men besides women and children... but they must enter the voyage of the spirit and make progress after recruitment, a people who have learnt His ways!
...Oh that we will learn His ways!
... to be continued
[Inspired by: A Barley Loaf Against the Midianites - From The Hyssop that Springeth Out of the Wall]

Their order is in the formation of the Special Forces of the Gideon Squad deployed only for; Mission Impossible, the squad is fondly called Project "Barley Loaf" or better still call them the '300'.
Did you ever see that epic movie titled '300'? Oh yeah, it typifies the dogged resolve of the folks that are rising up! Like they echoed in response to their King asking: "Spartans, what is your profession?' the only answer they roared was "War! War! War!". They were the finest of the kingdom, set aapart for missions impossible, loving not their lives even unto death! These men are not threatened by the marauding bands of the enemy, the number and arsenal of the enemy doesnt turn them back. The enemy is but a bread for them. Hmm! They are a band of folks who know who they really are, they understand 'who they are and whose they are'.
Even the Secret Service is amazed at their outstanding results despite the small size of men in the unit. They are swift like the Eagles, they invade enemy regions and snatch out prisoners of war from the black listed zones, undercover agents they seem to some but in the real essence of their assignments they are a bunch of young people 'at heart', the 300 of today named after the proverbial "barley loaf". They are deployed into every field and are never dressed in the regular military looks but are the finest of every field with the interest of the Defense Headquarters executing liberation and strange deliverances, everywhere the enemy planned an attack with counter intelligence of the Celestial Order.
Now to the origin of the name, that was drawn from the experience of the Hebrews.
Israel had been oppressed by the Midianites for a long time. Any grain that they were able to grow was snatched away by the enemy as soon as it was harvested.
God appeared to Gideon and gave him a charge to wage war against the enemy and deliver his people. And so naturally Gideon began to muster the army... not too many responded, but he had a word from God and Gideon took courage with the handful that came to the battle. He only had 32,000 men compared to the hosts of Midian which numbered about 135,000. But God looked at Gideon's little army and announced: "You have too many..."
Good Christian leaders everywhere are trying to mobilize the forces of Christianity to wage warfare against the forces of evil; but God comes on the scene and begins to demobilize. Twenty-two thousand went home out of fear... they might die in battle and lose all. But once again God looked down and said, "You still have too many..." What would Gideon do now? God Himself would single out the ones that would qualify for His army, and 9,700 more were sent home. God said, "All you need are the 300 I have left with you... this way I will get all the Glory."
It will interest you to know, like we said earlier, that this army comprises of special forces to the streets, schools; intelligence forces in the world of arts (entertainment:sport, music etc) and science; elite forces to the corporate world; full time 'soldiers' dedicated to raise and train other soldiers, irrespective of the field to which they were deployed. Some may not look conventional, yes they are peculiar!
Truly, if we are not sensitive, we will pass by our brethren because they are a peculiar (strange) people. We need to be alert because God's soldiers are arising from the most unimaginable places and they look nothing like the conventional Christians plagued with denominationalism, religion, eye-service, deception and double-standards.
Have you accepted your own enlistment?
To what field have you been deployed?
Are you still conscious that you are in that office, that company, that school,... for a purpose?
You were deployed for such a time as this!
Represent the interest of the King who deployed you there, stand out!

...Oh that we will learn His ways!
... to be continued
[Inspired by: A Barley Loaf Against the Midianites - From The Hyssop that Springeth Out of the Wall]
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