... The Exemption!

Do you still remember the exodus of the Jews from Egypt is typical of the harsh times we live in today. Everywhere they went, they carried an unusual ambience that makes things work for them because the pillar of fire and pillar of cloud followed them.

They were not scorched in the scathing heat, their bodies grew with their clothes and shoes.  There were no banking systems, hospitals etc yet there were no plagues, bankruptcy or common occurrence of today!
Now do you realize that we carry something better in Christ?

No matter what is prevailing today your case is different!

Yes, you are the E X E M P T I O N
Say with me: 'Satan may be the god of this world, but he is not the god of my world'

..I'm different!

Wherever we enter we carry our own atmosphere!
The Bible says, “…if any man be IN CHRIST…” (2 Cor 5:17) it’s the environment of glory! Christ is a place&also a person. In Him (Christ), we’ve arrived; we’re at home! Our joy& satisfaction overflow. When you face challenges, others can’t help but wonder how you walk through unscathed. They’re dazzled by how you could be happy, at peace, joyful& exuberant with praise to the Lord in the midst of adversity. It’s because you’re “in Christ”; it’s a peculiar environment, where your joy is independent of circumstances.
Are you IN Christ?
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