...There's An Army Rising III

...There's an army rising!
An army of a Joshua generation to posses the land and cause others to inherit. Dangerously filled with the Holy Spirit, this army of the Lord is taking the battle to the gate. We are facing Satan on his own turf, for we are fearless, aggressive and bold as lions!
Out of every camp and stream is emerging  this Army
>>the glorious Church.
From every tribe is coming His Tribe!
Our first love is not to preach a message but to come to union with a person, that we might release His life to others.

Now here is one great treasure chest of this special squad of soldiers rising up: they are trained to discern clearly having a 'Hearing Ear and a Seeing Eye'
"Ears that hear and eyes that see- the Lord has made them both" -Pro 20:12
The greatest blessing in your life is that you can still hear. Your hunger and thirst for things permanent, not things passing, is your only hope for the days ahead. To you has been given the most precious gift of all... His word.
God is speaking!
See that you refuse not Him that speaks!
When God speaks it sticks!
Like he said to Phillip "join yourself to the chariot"

Beloved, we must learn to listen for the Voice within the voice. We need to hear Him!
 There's a deep sense of Hunger, a reaching forth in our hearts. All of us are hungry!
Along the way just like Elijah, we've been fed by the ravens in the Outer Court. Then God led us to the Woman of the Holy Place symbolic of a Spirit filled Church but there's yet another appearing we need ... that we may be fed by an Angel (or Messenger) with meat that is in season as mentioned in Gal 4:14, Rev 1:20 a many membered Angel with one mouth and one voice(1 Cor 1:10) ...
God wants us to eat of Himself, of His word and of His Spirit beyond the rent veil. There's standing up a Priest with Urim and Thumim Ezra 2:63

Ain't we tired of going into meetings just for the sake of going? Or of hearing the voice of a man or woman? 
...now the Lamb has been killed and the table is spread. All things are now ready!
Yes the seeing eye. And the hearing ear the Lord made them both!
Covet it,... the Lord beckons on us from behind the veil saying come up hither!
Don't be left behind 
...Join the train today!
™IGNITE|10-11 Oct|Two Meetings, great impacts|TFC 1 JC Street off Lesuka B/Stop Odili rd Trans Amadi PHC|Also Selected PH Campus \Sch Tour kicked off 2nd Oct | Thanks for praying along|
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